Grand Theftendo

This is GTA3 ported to the NES. Well its ported and those who know how to use the roms will be able to play it and those who don't well I'm not the one to ask. Anyway the creator of the NES port is Brain Provinciano and here is brief explantion of game from his site.
Grand Theftendo is a port of Grand Theft Auto III for the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It is Grand Theft Auto III running on an 8 bit, 256x240 resolution, 2 bit colour x 2 bit palette, 1.79 Mhz system, written entirely in 6502 Assembly Language! It includes the entire Portland city!
Purely a project of my spare time, it has progressed very nicely. I had kept the development of it quiet until the very end of October 2004, in which GTA: San Andreas, and more importantly, GTA: Advance was released. After the release of GTA: Advance, a top down take on Liberty City, I decided there was no better time to show the world my efforts. It will still be a little while before it's finished, but enough is done that it has something to show for itself.
Brian Provinciano's Grand Theftendo!